Programming: February 21st - 25th, 2022

February 20, 2022
Programming: February 21st - 25th, 2022

Programming: February 21st – 25th, 2022

Monday, February 21st,2022

Warm up: 2 rounds of:

10 AltDeep Lunge + Rotations

10Active Pigeons

10x (1Push-up+1 Pike Push-up+1 Burpee)

10Alternating V-ups

10Hollow Hold-to-Superman

--then: 2 rounds of:

5Deadlifts 45/35 lbs

5 HangPower Cleans 45/35 lbs

5 FrontSquats 45/35 lbs

5 PushPress 45/35 lbs

5 PushJerks 45/35 lbs

Open WOD 21.3:For time:

15 FrontSquats 95/65 lbs


15Thrusters 95/65 lbs


15 FrontSquats 95/65 lbs

30Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

15Thrusters 95/65 lbs


15 FrontSquats 95/65 lbs

30 BarMuscle-ups

15Thrusters 95/65 lbs


Timecap: 15 mins


Bodyweight/NoBar: 3 Rounds

1minRest Between Each

20Jumping Squats

30 V-Ups| Push Ups | Bench Dips


OpenWOD 21.4: For max load, perform the following complex unbroken:

1Deadlift + 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Jerk


Timecap: 7 mins


DB/LightMods: For max load,

performthe following complex unbroken:

3 Deadlift+ 3 Clean + 3 Hang Clean + 3 Jerk


Timecap: 7 mins


Bodyweight:3-4 Rounds of

5 GluteBridges + 5 Push Ups

+ 5 PikePush Ups + 5 Burpees

Tuesday, February 22nd,2022

Warm up: 2 rounds of:

30 sec WORK | 15 sec REST

PlateToe Tap

DiveBomber Push-up

AlternatingScorpion Stretch

ShoulderPress 45/35 lbs

--then: 3min of


Strength: Dumbbell Push Press



Bodyweight:Pike Push Ups

7-9 RepsEvery 2min or so

x 8-10Rounds

WOD: For time, 3 rounds of:

30Double Unders

4 StrictPress 95/65 lbs

--then: 1min Rest

--then: 3 rounds of:

30Double Unders

8 PushPress 95/65 lbs

--then: 1min Rest

--then: 3 rounds of:

30Double Unders

12 PushJerks 95/65 lbs


BodyweightModifications: For Time

3 x 30Double Unders & 5 Burpees


3x 30Double Unders & 10 Pike Push Ups


3x 30Double Unders & 15 Push Ups

Wednesday, February 23rd,2022

Warm up: For time:

10 BoxStep-ups 24/20 in

20secTop Ring Dip Hold

5 SnatchGrip Deadlifts 45/35 lbs

10 BoxJump Overs 24/20 in

20secBottom Ring Dip Hold

5 SnatchHigh Pulls 45/35 lbs

10 BoxJumps 24/20 in

10 RingRows

10Muscle Snatches 45/35 lbs

Strength: Every 1min x 10min

1 Snatch


DB/Light:Every 1min x 10min

2-3Snatch (Each Arm)


Bodyweight:Every 1min x 10min

1 Burpee+ 2 Push Ups

+ 3Jumping Squats

WOD: 20 min AMRAP of:

5Snatches 135/95 lbs

7 RingDips

9 BoxJumps 24/20 in


BodyweightModifications: 20min AMRAP

6 Burpees

8 BenchDips

10 BroadJumps 24/20in

Thursday, February 24th,2022

Warm up: In 8 mins do:

400m RunOR 2min Cardio

Then,AMRAP in remaining time of:

10Curtsy Lunges

10 AltSuperman Raises

20secHollow Rock

10 SidePlank Rotations

20secPvc Front Rack Stretch (each arm)

Strength: Front Rack Lunge



DB/Light:Front Rack Lunge

7-9 Repsevery 2min (or so)

x 8-9Rounds



10-12Reps every 2min (or so)

x 9-10Rounds

WOD: For time:

400m RunOR 2min Cardio

21Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50/35

400m RunOR 2min Cardio

15Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50/35

400m RunOR 2min Cardio

9Dumbbell Walking Lunge 50/35



400m RunOR 2min Cardio

BeforeEach Round of

30 – 25– 20 Walking Lunges

Friday, February 25th,2022

Warm up: 2 rounds

45secEach For Max Reps




Med BallClean 20/14 lbs

Skill/Endurance: Every 2min x 10 Rounds


Max RepBike Calories in 12 secs


Bodyweight:Every 2min x 10 Rounds

8 V-Ups

Max RepHigh Knees in 12sec

WOD: For 4 cycles:

AMRAP in3 mins of:

5 WallBalls


9 AbMatSit-ups

Rest 1min between each cycle.

For eachcycle restart the AMRAP.


NoBall/Bodyweight Modifications:

5Dumbbell Thrusters


7Jumping Squats

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