The Open at WildFire CrossFit

January 20, 2025
The Open at WildFire CrossFit

How the Open Works at WildFire CrossFit

First off welcome to one of the best events of the year!

Here is how the logistics of the open will work:


1.      Make sure you are registered to participate inthe WildFire Intramural Open. Register through your Push Press App under Memberships.This gives you 3 weeks of competition style events with judges, community, and fun.

2.      If you would like to participate in theWorld-Wide CrossFit Games Open with the CrossFit Games Leaderboard, you willneed to also register through the *This is separate fromthe WildFire Open. This is optional.

3.      Once you are registered and, on a team, blockout time on the following Saturdays from 8:00am-12pm if possible. (Other times will be available however this is the main event) Saturday March 2, 9, 16

4.      Programming on Fridays will be the Open workouts. If you are doing the Saturday event this is a good time to come into class, do a walk through, movement test and prep for the workout. This is agreat way to prevent the feeling of needing to “re-do” the workout to get a better score since you’ve had a “dress rehearsal” or a “run through.”

5.      There will be certain times on Friday where we will plan to have judges there however if you need to do the open workout outsideof these times please reach out to a coach to plan for that.

6.      The workouts will be announced on the Thursday before each week.

7.      Once the Workouts are announced our team will put together logistics and release options for heat times to sign up. You will be able to sign up for heat times starting FRIDAY morning. Check your EMAIL& TEXT messages.

8.      Once the workout is announced make sure to READ and WATCH ALL of the movement standards and requirements for the workout. We will be going over them however it is YOUR responsibility to know the workout and how you will be performing the workout each week.

9.      Once you have signed up for a heat time. Be sure to show up early and be prepared to warm up outside the gym. Once your heat time is ready, be ready to go and do your best on the workout.

10.  Each athlete will have a judge to make sure that the movement standards are upheld for your division.

11.  Interact with your team, wear your team colorand HAVE FUN.

12.  Teams compete to get points for various thingsthroughout the open. One of which is just participating. More on this to come.

 Shirt/Tank orders for the Open are due in by January 25th! We won't have extras so make sure you get the style and size you want. Orders are in your Push Press app on the home screen. Scroll through to select your style and color.

New for 2024:

As a gym we have picked themes for each week for the teams. Each team can do that theme however they choose. The themes this year are:

Week 1: Coach Damian

For those of you who are new to our WildFire Family, Coach Damian lost his life in a tragic accident last year on March 3, 2023. Damian was a coach at WildFire for 10 years and left an EPIC impact on every single person he came in contact with. His picture is still up around the gym and weare all still heartbroken that he is not physically with us. His spirit is with us in all things WildFire and we are dedicating this week to honor him and have him with us even more for the kick off of the 2024 Open!

He was known for loving all things Dragonball Z, Pokemon, Unicorns, Marvel, DC, WildFire and more. If you want to know more about this amazing human, coach and friend, ask a fellow team member and coach and I am sure they will have a few “Damian” stories to tell you.

Week 2: Decades

As a team pick a Decade to show off. CrossFit is all about fitness longevity so let’s celebrate some fun moments in time!

Week 3: Disney

Well at this point we had already picked two weeks of themes that started with the letter “D” so it was fitting that we follow suit for week 3. Plus who doesn’t love Disney and it gives us a lot of characters and themes to choose from. Even Star Wars is Disney now.


The open at WildFire is about creating an environment that is supportive and challenging at the same time. Some of these themes are silly and that’s the point. If we can have fun when we challenge ourselves, we enjoy the process much more and the results come easier. Can it also be a serious competition for those that choose…..absolutely and we will cheer and support everyone in that.

Every year this is the event that is the most talked about and remembered.

There is a magic to it that you just have to experience.

So ifthe coaches and members are recruiting you hard to be on their team….it is becausethey want you to experience that magic too.

It’s just too good not to share.

See you in the Open!



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