Programming: March 21st - 25th, 2022

March 20, 2022
Programming: March 21st - 25th, 2022

Programming: March 21st – 25th, 2022

Monday, March 21st, 2022 - (YouTube Video)

Warm up: 3 Rounds

x 20 sec WORK | 10 sec REST

Lunge +Reach 20/14 lbs

Medicine Ball Sit-up 20/14 lbs



WOD: 30 min AMRAP of:

500m Row OR 2min Cardio

40 DB Box Step Over 50/35 | 24/20

30 Wall Balls 20/14 lbs


10 Alt DB Squat Snatch 50/35 lbs


Bodyweight:30min AMRAP of:

400m Run OR 2min Cardio


30Jumping Squats

20 V-Ups

10 Drop Squats

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 - (YouTube Video)

Warm up: 7 min AMRAP of:

10 Toy Soldiers

10Alternating Superman

10 No Push-up Burpees

5Push-up to Down Dogs

5Shoulder Press 45/35 lbs
5 Push Press 45/35 lbs

Push Jerk With 2 Second Pause In Dip  

DB/Light: Push Jerk  

With 2Second Pause In Dip  

3-5 Reps Every 2min x 8-10 Rounds

Bodyweight: Pike Push Up  

With 2Second Pause in Bottom  

5-7 Reps Every 2min (or so) x 8-10 Rounds

For time:

3 rounds of:

8 Burpee Over Bars

8Shoulder-to-Overhead 95/65 lbs
-- then:
3 rounds of:

6 Burpee Over Bars

6Shoulder-to-Overhead 115/75
-- then:
3 rounds of:

4 Burpee Over Bars

4Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95

Bodyweight Modifications:  

Burpee Over Bar = Burpee Over Object

Shoulder-to-Overhead= Pike Push Up

Wednesday, March 23rd,2022 - (YouTube Videos)

Warm up: 2 rounds for quality of:

250m Row OR 1min Cardio

10 Lunge+ Twists

10 Heel Raises

10 Side Plank Rotations

1Burgener Clean Warm-up

1Burgener Snatch Warm-up

Strength: Every 1 min x 10 min Alternating Between:

1 Power Clean pick load

1 Power Snatch pick load


DB/Light: Every 1 min x 10 min Alternating Between:

2 Power Clean Each Arm

2 Power Snatch Each Arm


Bodyweight: Every 1 min x 10 min Alternating Between:

5 Push Ups


WOD: For time:

750m Row OR 3min Cardio

--then: 15-12-9 reps of:

Power Clean 185/135 lbs

Handstand Push-up

--then:1000m Row OR 4min Cardio

--then: 12-9-6 reps of:

Power Snatch 135/95 lbs

Bar Muscle-up

--then:250m Row OR 1min Cardio


Bodyweight Modifications:

Power Clean = Push Ups

Power Snatch = Burpee

Bar Muscle Ups = Bench Dips

Thursday, March 24th, 2022 - (YouTube Video)

Warm up: 3 rounds

45 secs per station, for max reps of:

Jump Rope

Cossack Squat

Mule Kick Get Up

Wrist stretch

Strength: 1 1/4 Front Squat



DB/Light:1 ¼ Front Squat

5-7 Reps Every 2min (or so)

x 8-10Rounds

Bodyweight: 1 ¼ Air Squats

10-12Reps Every 2min (or so)

x 10Rounds

WOD: For time:


Alternating Pistols


Double Unders


Front Squats

Rx:225/155 | Int: 185/125 | Scale: 135/95


Bodyweight Modifications:

Front Squats =


Air Squats

Friday, March 25th, 2022 - (YouTube Video)

Warm up: 2 rounds for quality of:

10 Deep Squat Progressions

10 Leg Swoops

10Down/Up Dog Stretches

10 Active Pigeons

10 Good Mornings

10 High Knees

10 Tuck Jumps

WOD: In 30 mins do:

1600mRun OR 8min Cardio

then in the remaining time, AMRAP of:

10 Tire Flips pick load

1 Sled Rope Pull 90/60 lbs

1 Rope Climb

10 Odd Obj Ground-to-OH  pick load


Bodyweight Modifications:

10 Tire Flip = 10 Burpees

1 Sled Pull = 5 Bench Dips

1 Rope Climb = 5 Diamond Push Ups

10Ground to OH = 10 Pike Push Ups

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