Programming: February 28th - March 4th, 2022

February 28, 2022
Programming: February 28th - March 4th, 2022

Programming:February 28th – March 4th, 2022

The first week of the Open was awesome! We are so proud of everyone’sperformance and the turnout on Saturday was incredible! Thanks to everyone who helpedwith judging, setup, teardown, and of course CHEERING!!

PLEASE REMEMBER TO SUBMIT YOUR SCORES BY 5pm TODAY (Monday) if you areparticipating on the worldwide CrossFit Games Open leaderboard.

Week 2 will be here quickly, so be sure to get your training in early, work onmobility & recovery, and get ready for another great week at WildFireCrossFit!

For those of you who were twitching a bit yesterday without knowing what theworkout would be on Monday, remember, part of CrossFit it expecting theunexpected! Think back to the Open announcement when the CrossFit Gamesathletes learned what they would be doing just minutes before having to performthe workout. Don’t worry, we’re not going to be doing this every week, however,every once in a while it’ll be good for you to have to wait to see what thatday’s workout is going to be.

Monday, February 28th,2022


Warmup: 7 min AMRAP of:

10Curtsy Lunges

10Bottom Squat Pass Throughs

10 BoxStep Downs 24/20 in

1minThoracic Opener

Strength: Overhead Squat



DB/KB/Light:Overhead Squat

3-5 Reps Each Arm Every 2min

x 8-10Rounds


Bodyweight:Towel OH Squat

8-10Reps Every 2min

x 8-10Rounds

WOD: 6 rounds for time of:

12Alternating Pistols

6 PowerSnatches 135/95 lbs


DB/KB:6 DB Snatch Each Arm



6 PowerSnatch = 8 Burpees


Tuesday, March 1st,2022


Warmup: For time:

300m RunOR 90sec Cardio

--then: 2 rounds of:

10 Lunge+ Twists

10 CouchStretches

10 SquatJumps

5Shoulder Press 45/35 lbs

5 PushPress 45/35 lbs

Strength: Every 2min X 10min:

200mSprint OR 1min Cardio

1 PushPress pick load


DB/KB/Light:Every 2min x 10min

200mSprint OR 1min Cardio

2-3 PushPress


Bodyweight:Every 2min x 10min

200mSprint OR 1min Cardio

5 PushUps

WOD: 20 min AMRAP of:

200m RunOR 1min Cardio


10 PushPress 75/45 lbs

400m RunOR 2min Cardio


20 PushPress 95/65 lbs

600m RunOR 3min Cardio


30 PushPress 115/75 lbs

800m RunOR 4min Cardio


40 PushPress 135/95 lbs

600m RunOR 3min Cardio


30 PushPress 115/75 lbs

400m RunOR 2min Cardio


20 PushPress 95/65 lbs

200m RunOR 1min Cardio


10 PushPress 75/45 lbs



Wednesday, March 2nd,2022


Warmup: 2 rounds for quality of:

10 SumoSquats

10 MuleKicks

10 GluteBridges

10 BeatSwings

1Burgener Clean Warm Up

1minFoam Roll

Strength: Tempo Deadlift



DB/KB/Light:Tempo Deadlift

5-7 RepsEvery 2min or so

x 8-9Rounds


Bodyweight:10 1-Leg Glute Bridge

& 10Mule Kicks

Every2min or so x 10 Rounds

WOD: For time:


Toes-to-barsOR V-Ups


PowerClean 135/95 lbs






No PushUp Burpee

Thursday,March 3rd, 2022


Warmup: 3 Rounds

x 30 secWORK | 15 sec REST



Scorpion Stretch

BackSquat 45/35 lbs

Push-upto Down Dog

1minStretch OR Foam Roll

Strength:4 rounds

EachRound For Time:

500/400mRow OR 2min Cardio

10 BackSquats 50% 1RM


DB/KB/NoRower: 4 rounds

EachRound For Time:

400m RunOR 2min Cardio

10Back/Front Squats 50% 1RM


Bodyweight:4 rounds

EachRound For Time:

400m RunOR 2min Cardio

20Jumping Squats

Post WOD Mobility: 2 Rounds

1minEach For MAX Reps of:





LacrosseBall Massage


Rotateimmediately to the next station every 1 min


Friday, March 4th,2022


Warmup: 2 rounds for quality of:

1minJump Rope

10 AirSquats

30secChilds Pose

30secHandstand Hold

5 BeatSwing + Hip Pops

Strength: 5 Rounds for Max Reps

3 SplitJerks pick load


Max RepStrict Handstand Push-up




5-6Split Jerks



8Jumping Lunges

WOD: 10 min AMRAP of:

4 BarMuscle-ups

8Handstand Push-ups

32Double Unders


NoBar Modification:

10 minAMRAP of:


8Handstand Push-ups

32Double Unders

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