Programming: April 18th - 22nd, 2022

April 17, 2022
Programming: April 18th - 22nd, 2022

Programming: April 18t

Monday, April 18t, 2022

Warm up: 3 Rounds

30secWORK | 10sec REST


PVC Snatch Balance

Kettlebell Good Morning 53/35 lbs

Then:3min of

Thoracic Spine Mobility

Every 1min x 10 min

2Overhead Squats pick load


DB/Light: Every 1min x 10min

2Overhead Squats (Each Arm)


Bodyweight: Every 1min x 10min

5 Towel OH Squats

For time:

500m Row OR 2min Cardio

--then: 2 rounds of:

15Overhead Squats 95/65 lbs

15Kettlebell Swings 53/35 lbs

--then:400m Row OR 1:45 Cardio

--then: 2 rounds of:

12Overhead Squats 115/85 lbs

12Kettlebell Swings 53/35 lbs

--then:300m Row OR 90sec Cardio

--then:2 rounds of:

9Overhead Squats 135/105 lbs

9Kettlebell Swings 53/35 lbs


DB/Bodyweight Modifications:


2x Each10-8-6 OH Squat (Each Arm)

2x Each10-8-6 Mule Kicks (Each Leg)

Tuesday, April 19t, 2022

Warm up: 3 rounds for time of:

10 Pike Push-ups

10 Lunge Jumps

10 Side Plank Rotations

10 PVC Push Press


Then: Every 45sec x 3 Rounds Alternating Between:

3 Dip Drives 45/35 lbs

3 Split Jerk Strict Press 45/35 lbs

3 Split Jerks 45/35 lbs

Strength: Split Jerk



DB/Light: Split Jerk

5-7 Reps Every 2min (or so)

x 9-10Rounds


Bodyweight:6 Lunges

& 5Pike Push Ups

Every2min (or so) x 10 Rounds

21-15-9 reps, for time of:

Box Jump24/20 in

Push Press 135/95 lbs


DB/Bodyweight Modifications:

21-15-9reps, for time of:

Broad Jump OR Lunges 24/20 in

Push Press OR Push Ups 135/95 lbs

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Warm up: 1min Each x 2 Rounds

Foam Roll

Flutter Kick

Down Dog To Up Dog Stretch


Core & Strength: Every 1min x 10min Alternating Between:

2 Alt. DB Snatch pick load

20secRing L-Sit


Bodyweight: Every 1min x 10min Alternating Between:

2 Burpee High Jump

20secChair L-Sit

WOD: 3min AMRAP x 5 Cycles

10 Alt DB Snatch 50/35 lbs

8 Ab Mat Sit-ups

6 Ring Dips


Rest 1min between each cycle.

For each cycle continue the AMRAP


Bodyweight:  3min AMRAP x 5 Cycles

10Archer Push Ups

8 Ab Mat Sit-ups

6Bench/Chair Dips

Thursday, April 21st, 2022

Warm up: 5 min AMRAP of:

20meterJump Rope

20m High Knee Jump Rope

20m Duck Walk 25 lbs

20m Leap Frog


Then:2 rounds for time of:

1Burgener Clean Warm-up 45/35 lbs

10 Hang Squat Clean + Front Squats 45/35 lbs

Strength: 6 Rounds

90secWORK | 90sec REST

Front Squats For Max Reps


Bodyweight:6 Rounds

90secWORK | 90sec REST

Jumping Squats For Max Reps

WOD: 9 min AMRAP of:

30 Double Unders

1 Hang Squat Clean 135/95 lbs

30Double Unders

2 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95 lbs

30Double Unders

3 Hang Squat Cleans 135/95 lbs


Add 1Hang Squat Clean each round until Time


Bodyweight:  9 min AMRAP of:

30Double Unders

3Jumping Squats


Add 2 Jumping Squats each round until Time

(3, 5,7, 9, 11, 13……27, 29, 31)

Friday, April 22nd, 2022

Warm up: 2-3 Rounds:

300m Run

10No-Push Up Burpees

10 Beat Swings

20secHandstand Hold

10Thread Needle

20sec R then L Pigeon Stretch

10 Calf Raises

WOD: “Del” - For time:


400m Med Ball Run 20/14 lbs

25Weighted Pull-ups 20/14 lbs

400m Med Ball Run 20/14 lbs

25Handstand Push Ups

400m Med Ball Run 20/14 lbs

25Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

400m Med Ball Run 20/14 lbs



Bodyweight/DB Mods: 400m Obj Run Between Each:


25 Slow Bent Over Row OR Slow Bench dips

25Handstand Push Ups

25 Pause Bent Row OR Pause Bench Dips


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